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Introducing: Celo Public Goods

Find out how Celo's innovative funding tools are shaping a sustainable future for public goods in the blockchain space.

Introducing: Celo Public Goods

The need for Celo Pubic Goods
The competitive landscape of Blockchain Ecosystems has transformed quickly with the rapid increase in Ethereum L2 blockchains. A blockchain's ability to develop and nurture its key ecosystem resources is pivotal. As leading builders, including Justin Drake and Kevin Owoki, highlight, building up capacity for effective onchain capital allocation is a key strategic advantage for L2 ecosystems.

The deployment of promising coordination tooling on Celo - such as Gitcoin Grants Stack, Allo V2, and EasyRetroPGF - creates new opportunities to enable effective and transparent allocation of resources in the Celo ecosystem.

Celo Public Goods
By combining mechanisms with an integrated strategy, documenting insights and learnings, and running successive rounds long into the future, we have the potential for a groundbreaking synergy of effective funding and support of Celo’s public goods. Building on what we learned from this initial program, we will seek to develop strategies that ignite a long-term regenerative cycle of funding, growth, and development of the Celo ecosystem.

Scope for H1
In alignment with Celo’s mission of creating a regenerative digital economy with conditions for prosperity for all, for this initial program, we aim to channel support to projects across three key Celo Public Goods verticals:

  1. Celo ReFi - Support Celo’s ReFi and real-world impact projects.
  2. Celo dApp Ecosystem - Support Celo tools and dApps that create impact for a wide array of Celo users and stakeholders.
  3. Celo Community, Education & Adoption - Support non-software projects that help push Celo forward, including growing new communities, onboarding, providing educational resources, creating content, protecting users, and working on inclusion/diversity/advocacy.

Timeline & Key Deliverables
The following provides a high-level planned timeline for the rounds and key deliverables of the Celo PG QF & RPGF Program for H1. From here, and based on further input and insights from the ongoing Celo Public Goods Research effort, CeloPG Stewards will produce detailed eligibility, governance, and operational plans for each round.

March - Program Design and Platform Launch

  • Complete each round's program plan with detailed eligibility, governance, and operational plans.
  • Create a comprehensive database and ecosystem map of active projects and public goods on Celo to help inform detailed eligibility criteria for the rounds.
  • Launch the CeloPG Platform, a portal with all CeloPG projects, programs, and resources.
  • Start the Deploy on Celo Campaign to attract (and reactivate) projects to build on Celo.

April - GG20 Climate Solutions Round (50k cUSD) + EasyRPGF

  • Partner with the Climate Coordination Network (CCN) 3 during GG20 by contributing 50k cUSD matching for Celo’s ReFi and climate impact projects (on top of the existing $250K available in the round).
  • GG20 Round Reporting, including results, payments distribution, and supporting post-round analysis, documentation, and marketing.
  • Collaborate with the EasyRPGF team to plan Celo RPGF0 and deploy EasyRPGF on Celo.

May - Celo RPGF Pilot (250,000 CELO) + Gitcoin + Celo Gather

  • Celo’s first Retroactive Public Goods Funding program will begin with a round 0 pilot, rewarding top Celo public good contributions since its launch on May 19th, 2020.
  • RPGF Round Reporting: results, payments distribution, and supporting post-round analysis, documentation, and marketing. Presented during Celo Gather on May 24th by Monty and Luuk.
  • Collaborate with the Gitcoin team to deploy Allo v2 and Grant Stack to enable Celo native rounds during GG21.

June - GG21 Celo Gitcoin Launch (75k cUSD) + CeloPG Report

  • Launch two significant funding rounds with a combined allocation of 75k cUSD and the potential for an additional $25k in funding from Gitcoin’s new proposed “matching on matching” pools.
  • GG21 Celo dApp Ecosystem Round: Strengthen tools and decentralized applications that generate meaningful impact for Celo’s diverse user base.
  • GG21 Celo Community, Education & Adoption Round - support non-software initiatives such as community growth, onboarding, and educational resources.
  • CeloPG H1 Report will highlight the progress of H1 and provide suggestions for future CeloPG strategies.

If you’re interested in helping shape the regenerative digital economy, consider this your invitation to become part of the Celo ecosystem. CeloPG will ensure your contributions will be acknowledged and rewarded.

For any questions or inquiries, please email stewards@celopg.eco.

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